Speaker: Tom Gilb
There are many different angles of attack for business change processes.
I would like to highlight the 'Business Values’ approach, or ‘Value Driven Change’.
Participants will get a free link to my new book ‘Value Planning’
The basic premise is that business change, which might well be retitled ‘Business Improvement’ or
‘Business Values Improvement’ or even Organizational Value Improvement’, needs to initially shift focus from processes for change. We need instead to depart from the actual changes we want. My experiences are that there is always a set of critical changes that an organisation wants to achieve. I like to focus on the ‘top ten’ critical Objectives, at any one time.
I believe that all these objectives, or visions, are always possible to articulate quantitatively. Quantitative objectives are superior to management vision language, for being clear on purposes. For getting the team synchronised towards truly agreed purposes.
I have developed a management planning language (Planguage) for doing this, which would seem in advance of most objectives setting methods out there (you judge). Once the critical value improvement objectives are set, I believe that we can better identify strategies that will work, understand the risks and limitations of those strategies, and prioritise the agile delivery of those strategies in an early and continuous value delivery stream to the organisation. I will show that we can both estimate and measure the multiple impacts of strategies on multiple objectives and costs.
Tom Gilb is the author of 10 books, and hundreds of papers, on requirements, design, project management and related subjects. In 1993, ‘Software Inspection’. His 2005 book ‘Competitive Engineering’ is a substantial definition – and set of template standards for quantified requirements, design, project management, and quality control ideas. In 2016 he E-pubbed his new ‘management’ book after 2 years of writing work: ’Value Planning’ ) [Leanpub.com/ ValuePlanning].
His ideas on requirements are the acknowledged basis for CMMI level 4 (quality quantification, as initially developed at IBM (Radice) from 1980). These were based on his pioneer book “Software Metrics” (1976) where he also coined that term. “Tom has guest lectured at universities all over UK, Europe, China, India, USA, Korea – and has been a keynote speaker at dozens of technical conferences internationally. He also has had substantial documented adoption of his methods at Intel, Boeing, HP, IBM, Philips Medical, Ericsson, Nokia, Siemens, Schlumberger, Sony, Microsoft,, JP Morgan, Citigroup, and Credit Suisse. Other interesting clients include US DoD, Rolls Royce, GE Aero Engines, Confirmit Norway, Statoil, Qualcomm, Siemens Healthcare and many more. He is widely cited as the pioneer of the Agile rapid development cycle [Principles of Software Engineering Management", 1988]. His own agile method, the original one - is called 'Evo'. It is successfully used as a front end to Scrum. See www.Gilb.com for more detail. In 2012 He was named ‘Honorary Fellow of BCS The Chartered Institute for IT’ (Hon. FBCS).