Speaker: Oscar Vermuelen
Our speaker is Oscar Vermeulen from Switzerland. The title of his talk is Re-Imagining the PDP8 and he writes:
The PiDP-8/I is a modern replica of the 1968 PDP-8/I computer. Made as a kit, this is an open-source hardware project, so schematics, design files & software are all available.. The goal of this project was to create a faithful but low-cost replica of the 1968 PDP-8/I. Operated through the Blinkenlights front panel, it should evoke the user experience from the past. It should also replicate all stages in the PDP-8’s development which was not entirely trivial as the PDP-8 series spanned a long period in computer history: from 1965 to 1979 and from teletype & paper tape all the way through to hard discs and multi-user systems.