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Presentation on Technologies behind hybrid meetings and effective and efficient use on a limited budget.

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During the recent pandemic, a lot of individuals, small businesses and not-for-profit / charitable organisations have become increasingly reliant on communication technology to support remote working. Now more of us are returning to work there is an increasing demand for effective and efficient hybrid meeting capacity when our audience is a mixture of both those physically present as part of a group and those who join remotely as virtual attendees. Such Hybrid meetings require us to both select and exploit those technologies which best suit effective participation by all of those attending.

Colin’s talk is intended to explain some of the technologies behind hybrid meetings and those ways in which it can be used effectively and efficiently, especially on a limited budget. Hybrid meetings provide many advantages, but require a good knowledge of the technology and that sufficient people understand it well enough to establish, support and exploit the capabilities.

In the current post-pandemic and stringent financial climate, Hybrid meetings are likely set to become the ever increasing way to conduct ‘business as usual’.

About the speaker

Colin Butcher CEng CITP FBCS

Colin is a fairly regular speaker at BCS Wiltshire branch and indeed other BCS branches. His talks are always informative, thought provoking and well received. He is a consulting engineer who has led the design and implementation of mission-critical and disaster-tolerant systems in a wide range of industries.

As a consulting engineer, Colin has been working from an office at home for the past 25 years or so. Much of his work involves the mentoring and development of project teams in addition to developing practical solutions to complex technical and business issues.

Colin is a well-known speaker on systems engineering topics. He has a 1st class honours degree in mechanical engineering from Leeds University and spent several years as an engineer prior to changing careers in the mid 1980s.

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BCS is following government guidelines and we would ask attendees to continue to also follow these guidelines. Please go to https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/ for more information, advice, and instructions.

This event is brought to you by: BCS Wiltshire branch

Hybrid event: Technology for hybrid meetings - Know the capabilities in a limited budget
Date and time
Tuesday 22 November, 7:00pm - 8:00pm
BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
3 Newbridge Square
This event is sold out