What does SFIAplus give me?

Benchmark your IT skills against the rest of industry to gain an independent assessment of your capabilities

Discover appropriate training and development activities to help you progress in your career

Browse the typical work activities associated with specific roles to plot your current and future skills in IT

Understand your latent and transferable technical skills and the potential roles you would succeed in

Why use an IT skills framework?

Using a skills framework, such as SFIAplus, allows you to plot your career progression against an industry-defined benchmark, showing you your current technical skills, uncovering your latent skills and helping you identify career next steps and learning opportunities.

All our certifications, apprenticeships and professional standards, including RITTech and CITP, are aligned to SFIAplus so you can be sure you’re working and progressing at the correct level as well as continually improving your IT skills.

Using SFIAplus to support your career

As a BCS member, you will have access to Browse SFIAplus. This allows you to plot your current IT skills against the framework and learn more about the BCS certificates and professional standards that will support you on your career path.

SFIA - the skills framework for the information age

SFIA is a globally-recognised standard, developed by industry experts and backed by Government as best practice for identifying and developing IT capability.

Crucially SFIA offers a common skills language, accessible to IT, HR and L&D professionals, which breaks down barriers between teams, departments and organisations when it comes to transferring and recruiting digital talent.


What's in the plus?

SFIAplus was developed by BCS to bring the SFIA framework to life, adding detailed training and development resources. For each SFIA skill at each level, SFIAplus offers six additional task definitions and eight additional skills resources.

The result is the industry’s most established and widely adopted IT skills model, enabling both employers and practitioners to identify career pathways and plan development aligned with business transformation.

How can I use this in my team?

Assess your team

Audit your team capability using our RoleModelplus skills assessment platform. 

More about RoleModelplus

Download the wallchart

Discover the breadth of the framework by downloading our free SFIAplus wallchart.

Download the wallchart