How we develop a diverse and inclusive talent pipeline of AI professionals with the capacity to ensure the sustainable growth of UK plc, and the capabilities to ensure the UK is recognised for leading the 'Gold standard' in AI professionalism.

As we recover from the pandemic and adapt to being outside of the EU, the UK needs to harness the power of digital technologies to deliver step-changes in resilience, productivity, innovation, and sustainable growth across the private and public sectors. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be at the heart of driving this transformation, provided we have the right national strategy in place, building on and amplifying the government’s earlier National Data Strategy and taking account of the current AI Council Roadmap.  

The AI strategy will need to consider a number of complex and interconnected issues. These include how AI is going to be used to deliver the right societal outcomes for UK citizens, particularly how it enables the UK to be more inclusive, accelerates sustainable decarbonisation and improves prosperity for all.

How we build a national data and digital infrastructure that supports a vibrant business environment, optimised for exporting AI products and services across international data sharing jurisdictions.

How we develop a diverse and inclusive talent pipeline of AI professionals with the capacity to ensure the sustainable growth of UK PLC, and the capabilities to ensure the UK is recognised for leading the "gold standard" in AI professionalism.

The AI Council Roadmap includes themes that are relevant to these concerns and provides recommendations that should significantly help to address many of them, should the government choose to adopt them.   

For you

Be part of something bigger, join BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT.

In this report, we focus on the following four nationally strategic outcomes, where the computing professions can make a material difference through collaborative partnerships with government and other key stakeholders.

These are outcomes where BCS can add unique insight as the UK’s professional body for computing governed by our Royal Charter to advance education and practice in computing and information technology for the benefit of the public.

They are implicitly or sometimes explicitly included to some degree in the AI Council Roadmap and National Data Strategy, but we believe they should be given more significant emphasis and given ‘top billing’ in their own right in the AI Strategy. 
