Digital Modular Programme Resources for Approved Centres
Here you can locate the comprehensive Operational Manual as well as all the documentation to support you as you deliver the Digital Modular Programme to your learners.
This page is to give approved centres access to all the resources they need to successfully administer the delivery of qualifications that are part of the Digital Modular Programme.
Approved centre exemplar policies
BCS Brand guidelines
Centre conflict of interest policy for regulated qualifications
Complaints policy
Conflict of interest form
Consent form
Equal opportunities and diversity policy
Invigilation guidelines
Invigilator observation report
Malpractice and maladministration policy
Name and or gender change request policy
Offsite assessment form
Organisational detail change request form
Partner brand guidelines
Qualification withdrawal notice centre form
Qualifications price list
Reasonable adjustments form
Reasonable adjustments policy
Special considerations form
Suspected learner incident form
Training provider appeals policy
Centre manager training
It is a mandatory requirement that all centre managers must complete the BCS training in order to gain access to the required systems or begin to register candidates for BCS DMP. Administrators & 2nd Centre Managers are also required to complete this training.
View the centre manager training presentation
Invigilator training
It is a mandatory requirement that all invigilators complete the BCS invigilator training in order to gain access to the required systems.
View the invigilator training presentation
All invigilators are required to watch the BCS training video before they can be approved.
Once invigilators have been submitted for approval in e-Pro please email to notify us, whereupon we will assess the submission.
E-Pro training video
Delivering Digital IT Apprenticeships using e-Professional
The ‘Questionmark Candidate Experience’ video will give both your invigilators and apprentices an overview of what to expect during an exam session.