One day event, cost of £15 plus VAT @20%, includes refreshments and lunch

Who is it for?

FAIRS'19 at AI-2019 will allow doctoral and MRes/MPhil students working on AI related projects to discuss their research and PhD experiences with senior academics in the field and with other Forum attendees. Students eligible to apply include those who have either completed a Master's degree in an AI field and who are interested in progressing to a PhD, or are current doctoral or research Masters students. The event will give students the opportunity to receive feedback in addition to the supervisory arrangements at their own institution.

Overview of Agenda

10.30  Arrival, registration and coffee

11.00  Small group discussions. Setting expectations for the day.

11.30  'Getting a PhD (in Computer Science) - Doing Good Research'. Dr. Frans Coenen from the University of Liverpool

13.00  Lunch

Taken together at the University and covered by the event registration fee.

14.00  Student discussion groups. 

Parallel streams, for students at different stages of the PhD. Discussion of issues and problems experienced by PhD students. All encouraged to share and get involved!

14.45  Break, tea and coffee

15.00  Panel session

Focus: doing a PhD
Question and answer session with a panel comprising recent PhD graduates, AI academics,  industrial representative and PhD recruiters.

15.45  Panel session

Focus: careers and employment

16.30  Break, tea and coffee

17.00  'Examining a Higher Degree: The View from the Other Side'. Presentation by Professor Max Bramer. Followed by discussion.

18.15  Close

About the organiser: This event is organised by BCS SGAI: The Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence.

Find out more about the group at

If you wish to receive information about the Group's future activities and are not an SGAI member please register on this link 

Refund Policy:

A full refund will be issued if a cancellation is received by 9 December 2019, otherwise, name substitutions will be allowed after this date.

Things to note:
- This event may be recorded and pictures taken.

  • The programme will begin at 11.00 a.m. to reduce the need for attendees to stay in Cambridge on Sunday night.
  • Registration for the Forum will open at 10.30 a.m. on Monday, but participants who cannot arrive before the 11.00 a.m. start are encouraged to come straight to the Forum venue.
  • The timings and programme content are provisional and subject to change without notice

For overseas delegates who wish to attend the event please note that BCS does not issue invitation letters or visa requirements. 

AI Fairs 2019 Forum for AI Research Students
Date and time
Monday 16 December, 10:30am - 6:15pm
Peterhouse College
Trumpington Street
This event is sold out