BCS SPA specialist group event.
Giuliano Casale, Department of Computing, Imperial College London
18:00 - 18:30 - log in, wait for broadcast to begin
18:30 - 20:00 approximately: presentation and hands-on demonstration
20:00 - 20:15 approximately: final questions and conclusion
In the world of serverless, where everything is meant to be simple and lean to manage, it is important to offer software engineering methods that are simple and closer to human thinking than today.
The RADON project addresses this challenge via a DevOps framework combining code with visual modelling of serverless- and microservices-based architectures.
The RADON framework augments the capability of the Eclipse Che environment to help to design, implement, orchestrate, and re-engineer complex serverless applications. The framework is centered around a generalization of the OASIS TOSCA standard, a modelling language to specify cloud application blueprints that are automatically deployable.
The talk will introduce the key features of the RADON Che-based framework and give demos to illustrate the solution.
About the speaker
Giuliano Casale joined the Department of Computing at Imperial College London in 2010, where he is currently a Reader. Previously, he worked as a research scientist and consultant in the capacity planning industry. He teaches and does research in performance engineering and cloud computing, topics on which he has published more than 100 refereed papers.
He has served on the technical program committee of over 80 conferences and workshops and as co-chair for several conferences in the area of performance and reliability engineering, such as ACM SIGMETRICS/Performance and IEEE/IFIP DSN. His research work has received multiple awards, recently the best paper award at ACM SIGMETRICS. He serves on the editorial boards of IEEE TNSM and ACM TOMPECS and as current chair of ACM SIGMETRICS.
Giuliano Casale's profile page
Our events are for adults aged 16 years and over.
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