Welcome to our monthly BCS Briefing webinars which will give member group volunteers a briefing on BCS workstreams and latest news; find out what's going on at BCS and the opportunity to ask questions.
29th April 2020
Paul Fletcher, Chief Executive Officer
The agenda will cover:
Update on the impact of COVID19 on activity
Business Performance Update
Policy and PR highlights
vITal workers campaign
Opportunity for Q&A
Past Webinars
25th February and 27th February 2020
Join us for this webinar; to hear from Holly Porter, BCS Membership Director and Jon Jeffery, BCS Head of Community. We'll share the headlines of the membership strategy and some of the activities that are supporting it, including; the current membership numbers, new approaches to sharing member group level demographics and a broader look at upcoming corporate BCS activity such as events and campaigns.
Holly Porter, Membership Director, BCS
Jon Jeffery, Head of Community, BCS
25th March 2020
Update on BCS activities during these unprecedented times
Carl Harris, Group Marketing Director, will give a status update of current activities within BCS in the context of the coronavirus impact.
He will share what’s been disrupted, measures we’re putting in as a response, new ideas we are now working on, and areas staff and volunteers might work on together to drive new ideas and opportunities. The update will be a presentation from Carl, with questions along the way from Jon. We will then open up for a general Q&A from those attending live.
BCS Community Team
Visit https://www.bcs.org/membership/member-communities/volunteer-community-new-beginnings/