Please note bookings are made via the IET

London registration  The IET, Savoy Place 17 February 2020

Manchester registration  University of Manchester 19 February 2020

Belfast registration  Assembly Buildings Conference Centre 20 February 2020

Digital Twins: The Next Phase of the AI Revolution? 


The idea of an Intelligent Digital Avatar conjures up many images from a complete virtual world that one can safely define, develop and play in to rogue robots running amok and destroying mankind. The reality is much less dramatic but no less far reaching and exciting. 

This talk will discuss Digital Twins and chart their history to present day technological capability and present some of the advances being made and the opportunities along with the open challenges faced to realise the potential of Digital Twins.  



Headline Speaker: Mark Girolami

Insight Speaker London: Prof Theo Damoulas

Insight Speaker Manchester: Prof Theo Damoulas

Insight Speaker Belfast: Rachel Steenson



London & Manchester

18:00 - Registration
18:30 - Event Begins
20:00 - Networking & Refreshments
21:00 - End


17:30 - Registration
18:00 - Event Begins
19:30 - Networking & Refreshments
20:30 - End



Headline Speaker: Mark Girolami

Mark Girolami is an academic statistician who worked with IBM for ten years as a Chartered Engineer. In march 2019 he was elected to the Sir Kirby Laing Professorship of Civil Engineering (1965) within the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge. He also holds the Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Data Centric Engineering at Cambridge. Girolami takes up the Sir Kirby Laing Chair upon the retirement of Professor Lord Robert Mair. Prior to joining the University of Cambridge Professor Girolami held the Chair of Statistics in the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College London.

The research of Professor Girolami lies at the intersection of the Statistical, Mathematical, and Computing Sciences, where he has made major contributions to the development of Machine Learning and applications in the Engineering and Natural Sciences.

He was one of the original founding Executive Directors of the Alan Turing Institute the UK’s national institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, after which he was appointed as Strategic Programme Director at Turing, where he established and continues to lead the Lloyd’s Register Foundation Programme on Data Centric Engineering. Professor Girolami is an elected fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, he was an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow (2007-2012), an EPSRC Established Career Research Fellow (2012-2018), and a recipient of a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award.

He delivered the IMS Medallion Lecture at the Joint Statistical Meeting 2017, and the Bernoulli Society Forum Lecture at the European Meeting of Statisticians 2017. Professor Girolami currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Statistics and Computing and the new open access journal Data Centric Engineering published by Cambridge University Press.

Insight speaker London and Manchester: 

Theo Damoulas is an Associate Professor in Data Science with a joint appointment in Computer Science and Statistics. He is also a Turing Fellow of The Alan Turing Institute and affiliated with NYU as an Exchange Assistant Professor at the Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP). Before joining the University of Warwick, he was a Research Assistant Professor at NYU and before that he was a Research Associate at Cornell University in the Department of Computer Science. He holds a PhD (2009, CS Distinguished Dissertation Award) from the University of Glasgow, an MSc (2004, Distinction) from the University of Edinburgh, and an MEng (2003, 1st) from the University of Manchester.  

Insight Speaker Belfast:

Rachel Steenson, Market Engagement Manager NI

Rachel is the Market Engagement Manager for Esri Ireland and is a Fellow of BCS. Rachel has overall responsibility for market development in Northern Ireland and manages a growing portfolio of customer accounts. Prior to this role, Rachel joined Esri Ireland in 2016 as a Customer Success Manager, during which time she managed a number of large scale Corporate GIS installations for customers such as NI Water and Gas Networks Ireland. Rachel holds a number of positions on professional bodies including: BCS Council Member, BCS NI Branch Committee, member of the AGINI Board, the Engineering Policy Group NI and part of the Belfast Turing Organising Committee. She holds an MSc in Computer Science and Applications from Queens University and a Post Graduate Diploma in Geographic Information Systems from Ulster University.

Turing Talks 2020
Date and time
Monday 17 February, 5:30pm - Thursday 20 February, 8:30pm
London, Manchester, Belfast
This event is sold out