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Presentation on public planning principles.


Tom Gilb Hon FBCS


18:30 Main presentation
20:00 Close


COVID-19 has highlighted failures in public sector planning.

Tom says: I am going to suggest some principles and practices which I believe will improve on the situation, if adopted; which is doubtful. But there might be some exceptional people out there (you?!) who want to improve planning, so I can at least make these ideas available for their consideration.

I then hope their example will inspire and instruct others. The memes will spread, though not unfortunately as fast as the virus. And in a few hundred years we will experience a much more rigorous and successful Public Planning.

Public Planning Problems: exactly what is systemically wrong with public sector planning?

Top 10 Public Planning Principles: specific ways to improve public sector planning, if politicians and civil servants really were motivated to improve their planning.

These methods are appropriate for large scale public sector planning, and can be used for IT projects, and other projects like health, and politics. This implies that the methods are necessarily ’systems engineering’, not ‘programming’.

Free Digital Copy of '100 Practical Planning Principles’ for participants only.

Note: this lecture will focus on public sector planning, but the private sector makes the same planning mistakes, and needs the same cures.

About the speaker

Tom Gilb Hon FBCS joined IBM in 1958. He has been an international consultant and teacher for 55 years. Written 10 published books. Competitive Engineering (2005), and Value Planning (2016). As well as 10 digitally published books in 2018 and 2019. Tom has developed advanced methods for developing systems of any kind, with emphasis on IT systems and High Quality systems. He is Honorary Fellow of BCS.

Tom Gilb and his partner Kai Gilb have, together with many professional friends and clients, personally developed the Agile ‘Engineering’ methods they teach. The methods have been developed over five decades of practice all over the world in both small companies and projects, as well as in the largest companies and projects. Their website www.gilb.com offers free papers, slides, books, videos, and cases about Agile and many other subjects.

There are many organisations, and individuals, who use some or all of their methods. IBM and HP were two early corporate-wide adopters (1980, 1988). As of now over 20,000 engineers at Intel have voluntarily adopted the Planguage requirements specification methods; in addition to practicing to a lesser extent Evo, Spec QC and other Gilb methods.

Many other multinationals are in various phases of adopting and practicing the Gilb methods. Many smaller companies also use the methods. Tom’s methods are 100% risk conscious and devoted to reducing the risks of failure and partial failure, by attention to the details, and to the big picture.

Tom was raised to be an idealist, and has worked pro bono for interesting charities, including BCS. As a professional planner.

Tom has more limited experience working for the public sector, but every time he encounters it, he feels that they are wasting a lot of taxpayer money, and really need to get more professional. But maybe we are doomed to suffer bad public sector planning generally, so my hope is that at least a few leaders in public sector will pick up some stronger planning ideas, like being focussed on quantified stakeholder values at least. Tom is currently working behind the curtains on a major UK Government project, which inspires him to improve things.

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Webinar: Proper public planning principles: engineering society, responsibly
Date and time
Tuesday 23 June, 6:30pm - 8:00pm

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