Remember a time when age and experience indicated wisdom and gained respect and requests for knowledge to be shared?
Those times are long gone, of course, and today’s senior citizens may feel displaced and ‘left behind’ – especially by technology, apps and other IT software...
Golden days or techno ‘daze’?
Which IT-related products, services, processes, environments and other aspects are of most concern to the ‘digitally left behind’?
And how can organisations like the BCS help to make IT good for an ageing society?
What do You think?
Come to this informal afternoon event to share your views.
Our discussion leader and facilitator is: Maureen Childs MBCS BSc CITP
Maureen started her career teaching in Primary School when BBC Computers were introduced into schools. From the reaction of the children she realised the potential of computers in education.
She is now retired, having finished her teaching career at Westminster University.
She became a member of BCS about 40 years ago and joined the North London Branch committee. She is also on the BCS Green IT Committee and on the Board of Age UK London.
Coronavirus - due to the current Coronavirus outbreak we are asking all attendees to take precautionary measures to ensure we limit the risk of infection at BCS events. Before attending please consult the latest Government advice at
Free event. All welcome. Limited places available. Tea & coffee will be available.
We are experiencing increasingly high numbers of people booking BCS London events - then not showing up. Please, think twice before you book and cancel your place if you can no longer attend. This leaves space for those who can genuinely attend and is important for health & safety at the venue, plus allows us to order accurate catering - and avoid food wastage. Thank you.
Please note, duplicate delegate names will be deleted. For overseas delegates who wish to attend the event, please note that BCS does not issue invitation letters.
This event may be filmed and recording could be used for future publicity.
This event is bought to you by the London North Branch - visit