AGM voting is restricted to the members of the BCS Law specialist group.

The Law SG online AGM date has been postponed to Wednesday 7 October 2020 at 18.00 London time. The voting process remains unchanged and no new candidatures will be accepted.

We have received an extraordinary amount of interest in standing for our committee roles well past the candidature deadline. We ask anyone who still wishes to be considered for "appointment by majority" during the course of the 2020-2021 year (rather than by AGM election) to write to with their name, membership number, and a 100 word statement of what they would bring to the role by 1 October 2020.

No "appointments by majority" will be made at the AGM but the outgoing committee will read out and recommend the incoming committee appoints from this list as needed during the course of the next committee year.


Welcome and Introductions: Chair

Apologies for absence: Chair

Consultation and retrieval of minutes of the previous AGM: Chair

Matters arising from the minutes (discussion) and minutes approval: Chair

A report from the Chair on the year’s activities (15 mins), incorporating Inclusion and Diversity report (5 min) and Q&A from all the members: Chair and D&I Officer

Treasurer report, review of income and expenditure against the budget agreed with BCS Swindon and an explanation of next year’s budget request with Q&A from all the members: Treasurer

Election of Committee and Chair: BCS Staff according to the following timetable

Non-contested committee roles approved without speech or polling; names and positions read out: Chair

Speeches by Candidates for Law SG Chair (recording uploaded or mic live for a 2-minute speech each): BCS Staff

Bakare Moshood Abiola

Sam De Silva

Chiara Rustici

Q&A for Chair candidates by Law SG members for 10 minutes each: if first candidate exhausts questions in less than 10 minutes, remaining time to be allocated equally to next candidates etc.

Q&A for Bakare Moshood Abiola

Q&A for Sam De Silva

Q&A for Chiara Rustici

Polling via GoToWebinar Slide with three names allowing vote for one candidate only: Strict poll close time of 19.20 & instant notification of results for new Chair

Any other business according to the following timetable: (outgoing) Chair

Introduction of newly elected committee members in their own words (one minute each)

Outgoing committee to list names and committee positions sought by BCS members who have shown an interest in being "appointed by majority" during the course of 2020-2021 by the incoming committee Chair

Proposal and discussion of constitutional amendments; anything agreed at AGM to be subsequently cleared with PPP/Community Board and put to the Law SG vote during the year or at the next AGM

  • desiderata for role, remit and rights of Chair Emeritus/Emerita or other affiliation with BCS Law SG
  • desiderata for appointing non-elected BCS members to committee roles and non-BCS members as subject matter experts on committee projects
  • desiderata for rules for alternative nomination and conduct of online AGM
  • proposal for codifying and incorporating into Constitution customary committee procedures specific to the Law SG
  • addition of Diversity and Inclusion Officer to the three compulsory Officer roles (Chair, Treasurer, Inclusion)

Presentation by all Law SG members of their proposed themes for events and policy projects for 2020-2021 Committee work (open mic)

Formal appointment of the new 2020-2021 committee, indication of preferred role and remit by each elected committee member, close and thanks

Our events are for adults aged 16 years and over.

This event is brought to you by: Law specialist group

Webinar: Law SG AGM
Date and time
Wednesday 7 October, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
This event is sold out