The UK water industry is facing many challenges and the success with which they are tackled will affect us all.
19:00 - Presentations
Open forum: Questions to panel
21:00 - Close
There is a poor match between water availability and demand in the UK. Moving water about and treating it is complex. Population growth is putting ever greater pressure on supply, and climate change may impact on availability.
This year's Great Debate event will have four speakers representing water operator, water regulator, drinking water inspectorate and water consultant / research authority. Speakers will then form a panel to respond to questions and comments from the online audience.
Topics to be covered will include:
- The Water Recycling and Efficiency
- Improving the Balance between Supply and Demand for Water
- Maintaining and Improving Water Quality
- Ageing Infrastructure and Asset Management
This is an inter-Institution event produced by Institution of Chemical Engineers, BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, Institution of Civil Engineers, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Institution of Engineering & Technology and the University of Reading.
This event is brought to you by: Institution of Chemical Engineers and co-sponsored by BCS Berkshire branch