The next-Gen of HPCs is not necessarily Quantum Computers, rather a mix between high-density nodes and containerised microservices.
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The next generation of High-Performance Computing is not necessarily Quantum Computers, rather a mix between conventional high-density GPU boosted nodes and containerised microservices integrated ecosystem hosted using a HyperConverged Infrastructure.
Algorithms and or programs that used to take weeks and months to conclude are now concluding within hours or even minutes thanks to a robust delivery infrastructure and optimised architecture.
Let's dive into HILDA, an Ecosystem built on the above-mentioned concepts.
About the speaker
Mr George Yazigi is currently the Digital Systems Architect and Manager at the Digital Aviation Research Centre (DARTeC), Cranfield University. He has more than 22 years of experience in software engineering, computer and data science, architecting and designing digital security systems and intelligent software platforms based on Big Data Analytics, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning.
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