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Andrew Simpson will join us on Zoom to talk about the Scientist Training Programme in the NHS. The STP is a three year fully NHS funded training programme, leading to an MSc Clinical Science (Clinical Computing) and on successful completion, Statutory Registration with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) as a Clinical Scientist. During training, the student is paid at NHS Band 6 (at a training Annex). The entry requirements are: An undergraduate degree in either Computer Science, Mathematics or Scientific Engineering.

Computer Scientists who are Clinical Scientists can and do:

  • Develop medical software and technology
  • Use that software / technology clinically on patients (in theatres, on wards, etc.) (Under Annex A of the Medical Device Regulations)
  • Understand and be involved in the research of the science behind the diagnostic test
  • Advise doctors on the results and on the technology available for patients.

All as a state registered healthcare professional in a truly unique, in demand and rewarding role.

Higher Specialist Scientific Programme (HSST)
As your career progresses, Clinical Scientists are eligible to further train as Consultant Clinical Scientists in Clinical and Scientific Computing, to demonstrate significant expertise at the intersection of Computer Science and Healthcare.

STP Equivalence
This is portfolio route by the Academy of Healthcare Sciences, where the pre-registrant demonstrates equivalency to the Scientist Training Programme outcomes. A master's degree is not required although the pre-registrant must demonstrate working to master's level.

Route II
This route allows a work-based competency learning route for those who have a masters and relevant experience. The pre-registrant works towards and compiles a portfolio of evidence, demonstrating competency in Clinical Computing to the level of Clinical Scientist.

About the speaker

Andrew Simpson
Andrew studied BSc & MSc Computer Science, worked in IT industry for a while and he is now training as a clinical scientist in physiological measurement & clinical computing, under Route II, in the James Cook University Hospital's Medical Physics Department.

This event is brought to you by: BCS Aberdeen branch

Webinar: Computer Science career in the NHS: The Scientist Training Programme (STP)
Date and time
Tuesday 25 January, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
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