This webinar is a repeat of the session that was delivered at the CPHC Conference providing an overview of academic accreditation changes.


  • Holly Porter - Membership Director, BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
  • Professor Alastair Irons - Professor of Computer Science and Academic Director for Digital Education, University of Sunderland, and Vice President BCS, Chair of BCS Academy Board
  • Paul Martynenko - Chair of the Steering Committee of the BCS Review of Computer Science Degree Accreditation, BCS Registration and Standards Committee Chair, Past President of BCS (2017-18) and former VP and Technical Executive for IBM in Europe
  • Dr Kevin Chalmers - Chair of the BCS Academic Accreditation Committee, Deputy Dean School of Arts (Computing) at the University of Roehampton


16:30 - Webinar starts
17:30 - Webinar ends


This webinar will provide an overview on the BCS direction of travel, the BCS developments that will impact on the academy and the benefits to the academy, changes in the external environment (Engineering Council, Seoul Accord etc), the offer for students, consideration of how everyone can get involved and the action plan to encourage the whole computing community to move in the same direction. There will be opportunity for discussion and questions.

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Webinar: BCS Degree Accreditation changes
Date and time
Monday 13 June, 4:30pm - 5:30pm
This event is sold out