Welcome all Coventry Branch Members – please join in this meeting – it is for your benefit as well! Thank you.


  • Dianabasi Nkantah
  • John Rendall
  • Coventry Branch committee and our branch members


6:30pm - Meeting Opens, Welcome and Introductions
6:45pm - Confirming attendees
6:55pm - Apologies for Absence
7:00pm - Minutes of the 2023 AGM - Agree and Matters arising
7:15pm - Agree Chair person's Report
7:30pm - Branch Finances/Account
7:40pm - Election of Officials
8:15pm - Further ideas for the Branch meetings programme
8:45pm - Any Other Business
9:00pm - Meeting Closes


Your chance to discuss how the branch is fairing, help provide input as to the future of the branch, provide ideas for what you may like to see in the branch programme. You may even like to join the branch committee - it would look good on your CV.

About the speakers

Dr. Dianabasi Nkantah

Dr. Dianabasi Nkantah took over as Coventry Chair in October 2023. He was awarded a PhD by Nottingham Trent University in 2009, his current role at Coventry University includes administration, research and teaching postgraduate and undergraduate students.

John Rendall

John Rendall joined the BCS in 1996, the Coventry branch committee in 1997 and was elected Secretary in 1998. John was involved with the Year of Engineering Success in 1997 (as a Chartered Engineer without grey hair) - later the Campaign to Promote Engineering (CPE) which manifested itself as Imagineering in the Midlands (later The Imagineering Foundation). He handed over the mantle before leaving Marconi, and then was invited back into the fold early 2012 to help publicise Imagineering to Coventry branch membership. John has been returned as Coventry branch Secretary since May 1998...his mantra - if you're not happy with how I help run the branch, please feel free to volunteer.

Our events are for adults aged 16 years and over.

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This event is brought to you by: Coventry branch

Webinar: Coventry Branch Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Date and time
Wednesday 23 October, 6:30pm - 9:00pm

This event is sold out