BCS Early Careers Executive
The Early Careers Executive was formed to support all of our colleagues joining the IT industry; whether you’re a graduate, apprentice or career changer this is a space to connect you to the wonderful work BCS is doing.
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About us
Without exception, every single member of the Institute has had their first day in the IT industry, even our esteemed president! We all know how daunting those early years can be. The Early Careers Executive was created to support the future talent of our IT industry, to provide you with a safe space to help you navigate your career through this exciting industry.
Who is the early careers aimed at? The simple answer is anyone who considers themselves to be early in their IT career. Regardless of your route into the industry whether you’re a graduate, apprentice, self-taught or a career changer as long as you describe yourself as in your early career you’re welcome here.
As an executive, we want to build on the shoulders of the fantastic work our colleagues in BCS are doing. Our aim is to bring it all together and shout it from rooftops so you know what is going for early careers right at this moment, not only for your branch, your specialist group but your industry more widely.