At Altmetric, we’re keen to see our data and tools used to make discoveries and advances in the field that we work in. To that end, we’re now offering an annual research grant of up to £1,500 to go towards a project in the field of altmetrics or research metrics more generally.

In doing so, we hope to provide the opportunity for researchers or others in the scholarly space to do some really interesting work in developing the way we understand altmetrics and how they can be applied. It might be a data study, an engagement project, or even building a tool or app prototype.

Open to any academic or non-affiliated researchers, submissions for this year’s allocation are open now until 11pm GMT on 15 April 2016.

About the grant

Who can apply?
Anyone interested in doing research in the altmetrics space that would not be otherwise financially supported by their employer or organization.

What can I use the money for?
Anything related to doing or publishing the research. This grant is not intended to cover travel to conferences.

Are there any stipulations?
Yes – the research must be related to altmetrics, and the results must be made publicly available once the work has been completed.

How do you decide which project(s) get awarded the grant?
Winner(s) of the grant will be chosen by a panel of expert reviewers. 

How to submit
Applications must be submitted as an attachment to an email sent to

Applications for the 2016 grant will close at 11pm GMT on 15 April 2016. Due to the nature of the selection process for the grant, any applicants that do not adhere to the requirements for submission will be returned to the sender.

The selected grantee will be announced on 4 May 2016. Good luck!