“Today, it is not enough to provide our future engineering leaders with technical skills. They must also learn how to work in interdisciplinary teams, how to iterate designs rapidly, how to manufacture sustainably, how to combine art and engineering and how to address global markets.” Dr. Paul E. Jacobs, Executive Chairman, Qualcomm Inc.

The BCSWomen Mentoring Working Group has brought together some mentoring resources:

  • BCSWomen Member and Fellow Jill Dann FBCS CITP gives mentoring guidance 
    If you watch it, you will find it gives plenty of hints and tips on mentoring from both the mentors and mentees perspective.
  • If you are setting up a mentoring programme for women at work, you may find this resource useful. Mentoring-in-a-Box: Technical Women at Work will help you start and sustain a purposeful and rewarding mentoring relationship. Informed by research from academic and business literature and by conversations with mentoring experts in the field, Mentoring-in-a-Box: Technical Women at Work offers activities, resources, and tools to support a mentoring pair, presented in an easy-to-use format.
  • BCSWomen have also participated in MentorSET which is a project of the Women’s Engineering Society (WES).
  • The BCS Career Mentoring Network (CMN) offers all BCS members the chance to match their profile and skills (held or desired) with other BCS members, connecting you with potential mentoring opportunities. The matching process is driven by the competencies you add to your profile; you choose the individuals you think are a good match for you.