Researcher Dr Terri Simpkin seeks volunteers for survey on impostor phenomenon
8 June 2016
The chair of BCSWomen Gillian Arnold comments as follows:
I think we should be supporting this. I am a great believer in not demonising the women for the fact that we are only 16-17% of the IT population – but – we are all aware that often our own lack of self confidence can get in the way. I know many of you have heard of the impostor syndrome… would you like to take part in some research?
Here is a short (8-minute) survey about it – which the woman who is researching it (Terri Simpkin of Anglia University) would love your responses to! Terri also tells me that if you want to have a longer chat with her about it as part of the research, she would be delighted to hear from you. You will find her details on the copy.
The survey is now closed.
(Contributed by Gillian Arnold)