BCSWomen collect international award in recognition of their work
28 October 2014
BCSWomen, part of BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, has won a GEM-TECH 2014 Award for Promoting Women in ICT Sector – initiatives aimed at attracting, retaining and promoting women within the ICT sector and into decision-making positions (private and public sector).
Gillian Arnold, Chair Of BCSWomen at the GEM-TECH 2014 Awards Gillian Arnold, Chair of BCSWomen said: “This GEM-TECH Award is a great honour and recognises the work we’ve done over the last five years and more to address the issue of gender diversity in the IT profession.”
Co-organised with UN Women, the GEM-TECH Awards recognise the outstanding achievements of organisations and individuals in the area of gender equality and mainstreaming through information and communication technology (ICT). The launch of the awards in June of this year prompted over 360 nominations from over 70 countries around the world. The awards were open to leading women and men, as well as organisations working in the field of ICT and gender.
The Award was presented in Busan, Republic of Korea at the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2014 (PP-14).
The Awards are partnered by: GOLD Partners: Oman, Rwanda, Switzerland and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation SILVER Partners: CISCO and Facebook
For more information:
Visit the awards website
Download GEM-TECH 2014 photos