Digital Clinical Risk Management specialist group: About us
The group was formed in 2009 as the National Clinical Safety Officers’ (NCSO) Forum.
It evolved into the special interest group (SIG) in April 2020 under the Faculty of Clinical Informatics (FCI) where many NSCOs joined us. We had a membership of around 80-90 individuals and held 3-monthly webinars on topics requested by our members.
Following our transition to BCS, we are re-launching the group with the hope of widening its reach and influence. We will take full advantage of opportunities to collaborate with other BCS groups with complementary areas of interest. We have a Leadership Team with diverse backgrounds in clinical practice, industry, academia, and science. We are united by our shared interest in how Digital Health Technology is designed and used.
We hope that many of our previous FCI members and newer members of BCS will join us.