Welcome to our group!

We represent the views of healthcare and informatics professionals who are passionate about using technology to support direct patient care and self-care.

We provide an expert reference group and network for sharing ideas and experiences.

Join our community today to grow your own professional and personal network and connect with people with common challenges.

Mike Jones, Chair

Join us

Become a BCS member and start networking with like-minded professionals in our National Mental Health specialist group.

To contact the group please email groups@bcs.uk

About us

Our group formed during the time of the National Programme for IT, our members coming together to promote solutions-developed support and to share best practice across the country, continuing the work of the BCS Health and Care Executive.

Our committee holds meetings every quarter. We’re currently focusing on engaging with the community to determine our priorities and develop an events schedule for the coming years.

We welcome new and existing members to get involved in making technology and information part of everyday mental health practice.