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Samson Abramsky

Christopher Strachey Professor of Computing, University of Oxford

Tom Addis

Professor (emeritus) of Computer Science, University of Portsmouth

Peter Andras

Dean, Schools of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment, Edinburgh Napier University

Malcolm Atkinson

Artificial Intelligence and its Applications Institute, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh


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Russell Beale

Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham

John A Barnden

Professor Emeritus of Artificial Intelligence, University of Birmingham

Javier Barria

Reader in the Intelligent Systems and Networks Group, Imperial College London

Nadia Berthouze

Professor in Affective Computing and Interaction, University College London

Richard Bird

Professor of Computing Science, University of Oxford

Christopher Bishop

Deputy Director, Microsoft Research Cambridge

Andrew Blake

Principal Research Scientist, Microsoft Research Cambridge

Ann Blandford

Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, University College London

Sir Michael Brady

BP Professor of Information Engineering, University of Oxford

Stephen Brewster

Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, University of Glasgow

Hajo Broersma

Professor of Computer Science, University of Durham

Joanna Bryson

Reader, University of Bath

Alan Bundy

Professor of Automated Reasoning, University of Edinburgh

Peter Buneman

Professor of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh

Edmund Burke

Vice Principal for Science and Engineering, Queen Mary University of London

Alan Burns

Professor of Computer Science, University of York


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Dame Muffy Calder

Professor of Computing Science, University of Glasgow

Angelo Cangelosi

Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Cognition, Plymouth University

Luca Cardelli

Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research Cambridge

Roderick Chapman

Independent Consultant Software Engineer

Elaine Chew

Visiting Professor, Department of Engineering, Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Kings College London

Brian Collins

Professor of Information Systems, Royal Military College of Science

Anthony G Cohn

Professor of Automated Reasoning, University of Leeds

Ingemar Cox

BT Chair of Communications, University College London

Artur Czumaj

Professor of Computer Science, University of Warwick


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Michael Denham

Professor of Neural & Adaptive Systems, University of Plymouth

David De Roure

Professor of e-Research, University of Oxford

Karim Djemame

Professor, University of Leeds

Simon Dobson

Professor of Computer Science, University of Saint Andrews

David Duce

Emeritus Professor of Computer Science, Oxford Brookes University


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Wenfei Fan

Professor of Web Data Management, University of Edinburgh

Maribel Fernandez

Professor of Computer Science, King's College London

José Luiz Fiadeiro

Dean of Science and Engineering, University of DundeeAnthony Finkelstein

Anthony Finkelstein

Professor of Software Systems Engineering, University College London

Michael Fisher

Professor of Computer Science, University of Manchester

John Fitzgerald

Professor of Formal Methods in Computing Science, Newcastle University

Andrew Fitzgibbon

Research Theme Lead, Microsoft Research, Cambridge

Michael Fourman

Professor of Computer Systems, University of Edinburgh

Alejandro F Frangi

Diamond Jubilee Chair in Computational Medicine, and RAEng Chair in Emerging Technologies University of Leeds

Steve Furber

Professor of Computer Engineering, University of Manchester


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Philippa Gardner

Professor, Department of Computing, Imperial College London

Erol Gelenbe

Professor in the Dennis Gabor Chair, Imperial College London

Jeremy Gibbons

Professor of Computing, University of Oxford

Carole Goble

Professor of Computer Science, University of Manchester

Leslie Ann Goldberg

Professor of Computer Science, University of Oxford

Shaogang Gong

Professor of Visual Computation, Queen Mary University London

Andrew Gordon

Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research Cambridge

Georg Gottlob

Professor of Computing Science, University of Oxford


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Dame Wendy Hall

Regius Professor of Computer Science, University of Southampton

Edwin Hancock

Professor of Computer Vision, University of York

Chris Hankin

Professor of Computing Science, Imperial College London

Mark Harman

Professor of Software Engineering, University College London

Ian J. Hayes

School of ITEE, The University of Queensland

Andrew Herbert

Chairman of Trustees, The National Museum of Computing

Jane Hillston

Professor of Quantitative Modelling, University of Edinburgh

Sir Tony Hoare

Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK

David Hogg

Professor of Artificial Intelligence, University of Leeds

Andy Hopper

Professor of Computer Technology, University of Cambridge

Ian Horrocks

Professor of Computer Science, University of Oxford

Amir Hussain

Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security, Edinburgh Napier University

David Hutchison

Professor of Computing, Lancaster University


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Nick Jennings

Vice-Provost (Research), Imperial College London

Marina Jirotka

Professor of Human-Centred Computing, University of Oxford

Chris Johnson

Professor and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Engineering and Physical Sciences), Queen's University Belfast

Cliff Jones

Professor of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne

Kevin Jones

Professor of Computing Science and Executive Dean (Science and Engineering), University of Plymouth

Mark B Josephs

Professor of Computer Science, Birmingham City University

Achim Jung

Professor of Computer Science, University of Birmingham


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Marcus Kaiser

Professor of Neuroinformatics, Newcastle University

Peter Key

Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research Cambridge

Aggelos Kiayias

Professor in Cyber Security and Privacy, University of Edinburgh

Jeff Kramer

Professor of Distributed Computing, Imperial College London

Marta Kwiatkowska

Professor of Computing Systems, University of Oxford


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Leonid Libkin

Professor, University of Edinburgh

Bev Littlewood

Emeritus Professor of Software Engineering, City, University of London

Weiru Liu

Professor of Artificial Intelligence, University of Bristol

Alessio Lomuscio

Professor of Logic for Multiagent Systems, Imperial College London

Michael Luck

Professor of Computer Science, King's College London


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Jeffrey Magee

Professor of Computing, Imperial College London

Carsten Maple

Professor of Cyber Systems Engineering, WMG, University of Warwick

Andrew Martin

Professor of Systems Security, University of Oxford

Ursula Martin

University of Edinburgh and Visiting Professor University of Oxford

Cecilia Mascolo

Professor of Mobile Systems, University of Cambridge

Derek McAuley

Professor of Digital Economy, University of Nottingham

Julie A McCann

Professor of Computer Systems, Imperial College London

John McDermid

Professor of Software Engineering, University of York

David May

Professor of Computer Science, University of Bristol

Faron Moller

BCS Academy Research Committee

Johanna D Moore

Director of Human Communication Research Centre, University of Edinburgh

J Strother Moore

Admiral B.R. Inman Centennial Chair in Computing Theory, University of Texas

Luc Moreau

Professor in Computer Science, King’s College

Roderick Murray-Smith

Professor of Computer Science, University of Glasgow

Fionn Murtagh

Professor of Data Science, University of Huddersfield


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Alan F Newell

Professor of Applied Computing, University of Dundee

Rob Nicholson


Bashar Nuseibeh

Director of Research Computing Department, The Open University


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Michael O'Boyle

Professor of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh

Colin O'Halloran

Technical Director, D-RisQ Ltd

Peter O'Hearn

Professor of Computer Science, University College London

Luke Ong

Professor of Computer Science, University of Oxford


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Maja Pantic

Professor of Machine Learning and Computer Vision, Imperial College London

Mike Paterson

Emeritus Professor of Computer Science, University of Warwick

Daniel Paulusma

Professor in the Algorithms and Complexity research group, Durham University

Maurice Perks


Ron Perrott

Visiting Professor, Oxford e-Research Centre

Simon Peyton Jones

Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research Cambridge

Andrew Pitts

Professor of Theoretical Computer Science, University of Cambridge

Gordon Plotkin

Professor of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

David Pym

Professor of Information, Logic, and Security, UCL


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Subramanian Ramamoorthy

Chair of Robot Learning and Autonomy, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

Brian Randell

Senior Research Investigator, Newcastle University

Steve Renals

Professor of Speech Technology, University of Edinburgh

Keith van Rijsbergen

Professor Emeritus University of Glasgow & Honorary member Computer Laboratory University of Cambridge

Dave Robertson

Professor of Applied Logic, University of Edinburgh

Tom Rodden

Professor of Computing, University of Nottingham

Yvonne Rogers

Professor of Interaction Design, University College London

Alexander Romanovsky

Professor of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne

Bill Roscoe

Professor of Computing Science, University of Oxford

David S Rosenblum

Professor and Department Chair, George Mason University

Daniel Rueckert

Professor of Visual Information Processing, Imperial College London

Mark Ryan

Professor in Computer Security, University of Birmingham


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Vladimiro Sassone

Professor of Computer Science, University of Southampton

Steve Schneider

Professor of Computing, University of Surrey

M.C. Schraefel

Professor of Computer Science and Human Performance, University of Southampton

Donia Scott

Professor of Computational Linguistics, University of Sussex

Sir Nigel Shadbolt

Principal and Professorial Research Fellow in Computer Science, Jesus College, Oxford

Helen Sharp

Professor of Software Engineering, The Open University

S K Shrivastava

Emeritus Professor, Newcastle University

Alexandra Silva

Professor of Algebra, Semantics, and Computation, University College London

Dimitra Simeonidou

Professor of High Performance Networks, Director Smart Internet Lab, University of Bristol

Aaron Sloman

Honorary Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, University of Birmingham

Morris Sloman

Professor of Distributed Systems Management, Imperial College London

V Anne Smith

Senior Lecturer in Computational Biology, University of St Andrews

Ian Sommerville

Professor of Software Engineering, University of Saint Andrews

Danaë E. B. Stanton Fraser

Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, Department of Psychology, University of Bath

Perdita Stevens

Professor of Mathematics of Software Engineering, University of Edinburgh

Iain A Stewart

Professor of Computer Science, University of Durham

Sriram Subramanian

Professor of Informatics, University of Sussex

J S Sventek

Professor of Computer and Information Science, University of Oregon


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John Tait

Specialist Information Systems Consulting Services

Chris Taylor

Professor of BioMedical Physics, University of Manchester

Harold Thimbleby

Professor of Computer Science, University of Swansea

Martyn Thomas

Independent Consultant Software Engineer

Francesca Toni

Professor in Computational Logic, Imperial College London

Peter Triantafillou

Professor of Computing Science, University of Warwick

Phil Trinder

Professor of Computing Science, University of Glasgow

Dirk Trossen

Chief Network Architecture Researcher, Huawei Research

John Tucker

Professor of Computer Science, University of Swansea


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Philip Wadler

Professor of Theoretical Computer Science, University of Edinburgh

Ian Watson

Professor of Computer Science, University of Manchester

Paul Watson

Professor of Computer Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne

Tim Weyrich

Professor of Visual Computing, University College London

Yorick Wilks

Professor of Artificial Intelligence, University of Sheffield

Philip Willis

Professor of Computing, University of Bath

Joe Winchester


Rob Witty

Professor of Information Systems Engineering, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom

J C P Woodcock

Anniversary Chair in Software Engineering, University of York

Mike Wooldridge

Professor of Computer Science, University of Oxford


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Jie Xu

Professor of Computing, Head of the Distributed Systems and Services group, University of Leeds