Article I – Name
1.1. A Maltese society is to be hereby established under the name ‘BCS – MALTA SECTION’ hereafter referred to as the Malta Section

Article II – Duration
2.1. The duration of the Malta Section shall be unlimited.

Article III - Registered Office
The registered office shall be at a place as the Committee may from time to time decide. Notice of any change shall be given to all members of the Malta Section. Present address is:

BCS Malta Section
P.O. Box 185
Valletta VLT 1000

Article IV – Aims
The Malta Section shall be a non-profit making society with the purpose to:

4.1. Represent the BCS in the Maltese Islands.

4.2. Promote the charitable aims of the BCS by the organisation of activities in Malta appropriate to that aim.

4.3. To promote all aspects of computing and the use of computers and to foster the development of professional standards in the industry.

Article V – Membership
5.1. Members of the Malta Section shall be members of the BCS. The grades of membership, qualifications and the code of ethics shall be according to those set by the BCS.

5.2. Subscriptions: The annual subscription fees are established by the BCS and are sent by each individual member directly to the BCS.

5.3. Membership list: The Secretary shall keep a register of all members of the BCS Malta Section.

Article VI - Election of Committee
6.1. The management of the Malta Section shall be entrusted to a Committee, which shall consist of members elected from those members eligible to vote.

6.2. Election of Committee shall take place once every year during an Annual General meeting from amongst all BCS members eligible to vote.

6.3. Three Section members, including one officer shall constitute a quorum for all Section General Meetings. In the event that a quorum is not achieved, the meeting shall be reconvened at a later date, within 14 days of the original date, and shall proceed with those members present.

6.4. The Section Committee shall meet at least four times a year. If this is not physically possible then it will be acceptable to run Section Committee meetings electronically or via video-conferencing facilities. Notice of Committee meetings will be given in writing or by e-mail to all members of the Section Committee. The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than 12 months after the last Annual General Meeting. However, there shall be only one Annual General Meeting in each calendar year.

6.5. The Committee shall be empowered to co-opt additional members, and to appoint sub-committees, from time to time and for such purposes and with such powers as it may deem necessary. Membership of such sub-committee need not be restricted to members of the Committee.

6.6. The Committee shall appoint, from its own members officers who shall include Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Any member of the Committee has the right to attend meetings of any sub-committees if he deems fit. A quorum shall be made up of a simple majority of the total members. In the absence of the Chairman the Committee shall elect one of its members to act as Chairman of the meeting.

6.7. Decisions at a Committee meeting shall be, taken by a simple majority of the members present, the vote being taken by a show of hands unless otherwise decided by the meeting. In the event of an equality of voting the Chairman of the Meeting shall have the right of a second or casting vote, whether or not he shall have exercised his first vote.

6.8. Minutes shall be taken of all general Meetings, Committee meeting and meetings of sub-committees.

6.9. Each member shall be entitled to one vote.

Article VII – Accounts
7.1 The Treasurer shall be in charge for all monies, funds and assets arising from training courses and other activities organised by the BCS Malta Section. He shall control all income and expenditure in accordance with instructions from the Committee.

7.2 The Treasurer shall:

  • Submit to the Committee interim statement reflecting the financial position at the end of June and at the end of December;
  • By the end of the third week of January, present to the Committee the audited accounts of the preceding financial year;
  • The financial year of the Malta Section shall be from the 1st May to the following 30 the April;
  • All funds shall be kept in a bank account under the name of the BCS Malta Section.
  • Withdrawals from the account shall be made by cheque against the signature of the Chairman and any other signature of the following: Secretary, or Treasurer.

Article VIII - Alterations of Rules
8.1. Alterations and additions to the Statute shall be conducted either at an Annual general Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting.

8.2. An Extraordinary General Meeting can be called at the request of 75% of the members of the BCS Malta Section.

8.3. Copies of the proposed alteration shall be circulated by the Secretary to all voting members of the Malta Section at least ten clear days prior to the General Meeting. No such alternation shall be carried unless supported by a simple majority of members present and voting.

Article IX – Liability
9.1. Liability shall be limited to the assets of the BCS Malta Section.

Article X – Dissolution
10.1. The Committee has no right to dissolve the BCS Malta Section and can only be done through a resolution taken by the BCS Headquarters. The assets of the BCS Malta Section should then be passed to the BCS Headquarters.

Date of Statute:
These rules shall come into effect on the 1st July 2008.