Please join BCS Berkshire for this informative event which will give you an insight to the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
Arrival – Meet & Greet / Coffee Chantal Dunikowski, Communications Section
15:15 Welcome and general overview of ECMWF
Speaker TBC
Council Chamber
15:30 How ECMWF gathers information from various resources and store them How ECMWF analyses the data gathered and do prediction based on it
Anna Ghelli, Senior International Liaison Officer (Applications Section)
Council Chamber
15:50 The challenges of producing large datasets on the HPC under time critical constraints Simon Smart, Computer Scientist (Scalability Section)
Council Chamber
16:00 The Copernicus Climate change service Climate Data Store and its Toolbox
Kevin Marsh, Analyst (Copernicus Production Section)
Council Chamber
16:10 Q&A
Council Chamber
16:20 Computer Hall Tour User Support Section
Computer Hall
17:00 Departure