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  • Understanding IT Strategy with Wardley Maps - BCS Nottingham & Derby Branch

Speaker: Michael Haber

Summary of event

This talk will be using Wardley Maps to show examples of how strategy can be understood visually, particularly in IT and software. There will be an opportunity to try this out using the Wardley Mapping Canvas.

Wardley Mapping and the Wardley Mapping Canvas are both totally free to use and improve under a creative commons license.

Speaker Biographies:

Michael Haber @michaelthaber (https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikethomashaber/) is an Information Model developer at the University of Nottingham, and is interested in Systems and Complexity Science and their application.

Overview of Agenda:

6.30pm: Registration & Refreshments
7.00pm: Michael will begin his Presentation on Wardley Maps
7.45pm: Take a break and chance to talk and network
8.15pm: Michael will continue his presentation with a practical session.
8.45pm: Q & A
9.00pm: Meeting ends

Delegates may find it useful to print off this map https://www4.ntu.ac.uk/map_files/Clifton_2D.pdf

Will catering be provided?

Light refreshments will be provided 

About the organiser: The *BCS Nottingham & Derby Branch  organises this event; find out more about the group at http://nottmderby.bcs.org/

For overseas delegates who wish to attend the event please note that BCS does not issue invitation letters.

Understanding IT Strategy with Wardley Maps - BCS Nottingham & Derby Branch
Date and time
Monday 15 April, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Nottingham Trent University
Lecture Theatre 2
Teaching and Learning Building, Clifton Campus
NG11 8NS
This event is sold out