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  • Webinar: Contact-Tracing for Covid-19: technology options and privacy solutions - Law Specialist group

Webinar only event


Giovanni Tummarello,
Data scientist and founder of Siren, AI-driven data relationship platform

Dr. Andrew Winter is Consultant Physician 


18:30 – Main presentation  will start
19:30 - close



The key questions addressed:

- What information is needed by epidemiologists for effective contact tracing?
- How can mobile and other tech provide that data?
- Are legal limitations to contact tracing real or simply perceived?
- What legal assurances should Data Protection Authorities offer to scientists working on contact-tracing and in what order of priority?


20-minute slide presentation by a data science speaker (Dr. Tummarello) on surveillance technologies used so far by agencies for emergency Covid-19 containment and illustration of privacy preserving options, followed by questions by NHS Discussant (Dr. Winter) involved in designing a national NHS contact-tracing product. Audience expected to share their experience and interact with speakers via live posts


We wish to collate, both from front line medical and data scientists engaged in Covid-19 response, the top unresolved, unclear or ambiguous data protection questions and priorities and present these to the European Data Protection Board to inform their expected guidelines in this area




Dr. Giovanni Tummarello is a computer scientist, entrepreneur and founder of Siren.io.
Siren, headquartered in Galway, Ireland, stems from data science research in the area of the Semantic Web and derives meaning out of data with a particular focus on search across heterogeneous data sets and silos. Siren's platform has been successfully deployed since 2016 in the areas of law enforcement and intelligence, financial crime, cyber threat hunting, and life sciences.

Dr. Tummarello's most recent blog post illustrates the difficulties of relying on mobile phone operator data and on specialized apps for low-distance contact detection:

The discussant:

Dr. Andrew Winter is Consultant Physician in Sexual Health and HIV with a special interest in e-health. He was a member of the NHS Digital Academy’s Cohort One and is a Fellow of the Faculty of Clinical Informatics. He is clinical e-health lead in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, with responsibility for leading its Electronic Patients Record system design and deployment, and has led developments of sexual health records system across Scotland since 2008. More recently,

Dr. Winter has been part of the team contributing to Scotland’s COVID-19 informatics solutions, looking at issues of patient assessment, contact tracing and results notification. Dr Winter is speaking in this webinar to bring general medical insights to inform BCS Law delegates’ work in helping this COVID-19 crisis, not representing any particular organisation. He has no financial disclosures.

The moderator:

This webinar will be moderated by Chiara Rustici, BCS Law SG Chair, independent privacy and data regulation analyst



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Webinar: Contact-Tracing for Covid-19: technology options and privacy solutions - Law Specialist group
Date and time
Thursday 9 April, 6:30pm - 7:30pm

This event is sold out