We are hosting an EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting) to elect proposed members to the committee of our group.
14:00 - 14:15 - Introduction and background
14:15 - 14:35 - Nominations and candidate statements
14:35 - 15:00 - Discussion and voting
15:00 - Close
We have decided to hold this EGM so that we can have a full-strength committee going into the 2022/23 year, and we hope to have further volunteering opportunities soon.
We will be voting on the following roles at the meeting:
- Content officer
- Member secretary
- Industry liaison/publicity officer
- Inclusion officer
- Early Careers
- Education liaison
- Two further roles TBC
We will be circulating candidate statements with the mailing list ahead of the meeting. Please contact neurodiverseit-chair@bcs.org with any volunteering enquiries or in-absentia votes.
The event will take place on Zoom with live captioning available. You can participate in the meeting by text chat, voice and/or video.
Our events are for adults aged 16 years and over.
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This event is brought to you by: BCS NeurodiverseIT specialist group