Notice is hereby given that the 28th Annual General Meeting of BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT - Sri Lanka Section (BCSSL).

All members of the section are invited to attend the AGM. Voting is applicable for professional member grades (AMBCS, MBCS, FBCS) only. Kindly ensure that you produce your valid membership card (Physical or Electronic) at the registration desk. Registration commences at 5:30pm.


  1. Reading and approval of the minutes for the last AGM and matters arising thereof.
  2. Chairman’s Report.
  3. Treasurer’s Report.
  4. Proposal and approval of Financial Reports.
  5. Recognition of volunteers who have served the Section during the year.
  6. Election of Office Bearers for the Section.
  7. Nomination of an Auditor.
  8. Speech by the newly elected Chairman.
  9. Any Other Business.

Nomination forms for the election of the Section Committee Members can be downloaded from the BCSSL Website. Duly filled and signed nomination forms should be received by the Secretary on with a copy to on or before 23rd February 2024. Kindly note that all nominees and their supporters should be members of good standing, with active membership numbers by the AGM date.

The conclusion of the AGM, will be followed by fellowship and dinner commencing at 7:30 pm. The dinner is priced at a highly subsidized price of LKR 3,500/= per member. Members are permitted to bring their spouse and/or one guest for dinner from 7:30 pm by paying the entrance fee of LKR 3,500/=. Any additional guests are charged at the rate of LKR 6,500/=.

Payments in lieu of the dinner can be forwarded to the following account:

Name - BCS the Chartered Institute for IT Sri Lanka Section
Bank - Commercial Bank, Ward Place
Account # - 1500031464

Remember to indicate your Membership number and Name in the transfer reference and send a copy to

Please confirm your attendance of the AGM & Fellowship Dinner by completing the online form. The attendance registration form will close on 25th February 2024.

If you have any queries on the fellowship/dinner, please direct them to Ms. Kithmini Bamunusingha, Coordinator BCS Sri Lanka Section on or Mobile: 0768777919

Our events are for adults aged 16 years and over.

This event is brought to you by: BCS Sri Lanka section

Sri Lanka Section AGM
Date and time
Wednesday 28 February, 6:00pm - 7:30pm

This event is sold out