e-Commerce manager 
As an e-commerce manager, you're a guiding force in the bustling world of online retail. Your role is focused on driving sales from online platforms — think Amazon, eBay, Etsy and more — strategising, optimising and increasing revenue growth. You're team-focused, working closely with marketers, designers and developers across the board to ensure the perfect online retail experience.
Career outlook...

e-Commerce assistant
e-Commerce analyst
e-Commerce manager
Where do I start?

Take our BCS Practitioner Certificate in Digital Product Management to develop your essential online retail and management skills.

Grow your network and explore the power of search technology with like-minded professionals at our Information Retrieval specialist group.

Find out what it takes to run the show effectively by reading The Art of IT Management — there's 25% discount available for BCS members

Top 3 skills
  • Leadership: smashing your sales targets involves a whole lot of delegating, managing and motivating the team 
  • Customer-focused: all of your activity must centre around the wants and expectations of your customer audience
  • Data interpretation: data skills are essential for analysing metrics to inform and optimise your e-commerce strategies