If you’ve been thinking about applying for Fellowship but don’t know where to start, we’d like to offer you the opportunity to join this introductory webinar where you’ll get a chance to find out more about Fellowship and what it can do for your career. 

If you feel like you are: 

  • Leading on initiatives to change the way IT is used, designed, perceived, or professionalised 
  • Influencing by sharing your knowledge and skills, acting as acting as a role model to other professionals 
  • Making an impact upon the IT profession and those within or affected by it

...then you may well be ready for BCS Fellowship!

In the meantime... Fellows of the Future: Introduction to Fellowship

Upcoming webinars

2025 dates

You can choose from upcoming dates below, please click through and register on the Eventbrite page.

If you haven’t already – you should also sign up to the full programme of self-paced Fellows of the Future content.