Wendy Howie has recently taken over from Nico Guernion as the ICT associate programme manager at EPSRC: I recently had a meeting with her, and one of the suggestions to improve the quality of refereeing of EPSRC grants was to ensure that the information on the Je-S system was up to date. The APMs use the Je-S database to chose referees for grants based on their perceived appropriateness, and this is judged on the keywords in the system and in the free text fields.

I would therefore encourage all HCI researchers active in reviewing to take this opportunity to update their entries on the Je-S system - after logging in you an access your personal information through the 'My Details' option, where you can change the information in the free text field.

If you can be as specific as possible in your expertise, that would help EPSRC (who can then choose the most appropriate reviewers), the applicants (who get the best possible reviewing quality) and you (who get only grants you feel qualified to comment on to review).

For college members, there is also a list of keywords that are used, which you completed when you were originally elected - if you wish to change those, then this has to be done manually at present (though Je-S should have this functionality by the end of the year). If you want to change these now, rather than revisit this in the new year, let me know and I'll email you the EPSRC list of keywords to choose from.

Russell Beale

  • EPSRC reviewing