1. This report contains statistical data from ONS which is Crown Copyright. The use of the ONS statistical data in this work does not imply the endorsement of the ONS in relation to the interpretation or analysis of the statistical data and research datasets employed may not exactly reproduce National Statistics aggregates.
  2. Annual figures presented are derived from the ONS Labour Force Survey (LFS) and have been produced by averaging results for the four quarters of any given year / years. Further details of the LFS can be obtained direct from the ONS website
  3. For this report, a generic age filter has been applied (16-64 inclusive) for all analysis presented unless specifically stated otherwise.
  4. In cases where estimates span multiple years, this amalgamation has been undertaken to overcome issues of small sample sizes which otherwise render estimates unreliable and / or potentially disclosive.
  5. Numerical estimates are rounded to the nearest 1,000, percentages (normally) to the nearest whole number and rates of pay to the nearest £1 (hourly). As such, totals given may not equal the sum of related subsidiary figures.
  6. Annual estimates below 6,000 have been supressed, as have five-year averages below 2,000.
  7. IT specialists are defined by Standard Occupational Classification (SOC2010) codes 1136, 2133-9. 3131/2 and 5242/5. Code 5245 was not included in the definition for previous BCS reports on Diversity and as such figures will not be directly comparable.
  8. The ‘IT industries’ are defined by a series of Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes which are available on request.
  9. Unemployment rates (for IT specialists) are derived by dividing the number of individuals classed as unemployed according to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) definition (and, in the case of IT specialists, who were previously working in a position of this nature) by the total number of people in work (as an IT Specialist) plus the number ILO unemployed (previously as an IT Specialist) combined.
  10. BCS aims to be inclusive in its use of language. In this report the use of the terms ‘gender’ and ‘sex’ follow the widely held convention that they are broadly interchangeable. We want our content to be clear in meaning and inclusive in scope, whilst also taking into account the evolving nature of language. BCS wants to consider as many aspects of diversity as we can, whether or not they are considered a legally protected characteristic. The content team are happy to hear views or concerns on this subject.