
  • Spend some time reading through all of the questions.
  • Decide which questions you will answer and make a few notes.
  • Plan how much time you have for each question (using the marks as guidance on length of time needed).
  • Read the question carefully - highlighting any key words.


  • Answer the questions you are most confident with first.
  • If there is a question you can’t answer, move on.
  • Show your workings.
  • Manage your time.
  • But, if you are running out of time and have, for example, 2 questions left, try the following:
    • Answer half of both remaining questions
    • If you don’t have time to write sentences, you can use bullet points
    • If you don’t have time to do the calculations, write and explain what calculations you would do
  • Make sure that you have clearly provided the question number.
  • Complete your answers in the right answer booklet (section A in section A booklet, and section B in section B booklet).


  • Re-read the questions
  • Does your response answer the question?
  • Have you explained your workings?
  • Check your calculations
  • Have you used the correct units?
  • Are diagrams clearly labelled?
  • Check the key points in your answer - are they consistent with the number of marks allocated?
