Adem Yetim IntPE FIET FBCS discusses cybersecurity and mentoring in digital transformation.

Cybersecurity is a critical aspect of digital transformation projects as it protects organisations' digital assets, intellectual property and customer data. The rapid development of digital technologies has significantly changed security perspectives and increased the risk of cyber threats. The nature of cyber threats and attacks has changed, and cyber attacks are now more frequent, complex and target-orientated. As digital transformation projects involve the adoption of new technologies and the integration of digital systems, cybersecurity has become a board-level issue for organisations.

Gartner: important cybersecurity predictions for 2022-23

Specific to this issue, Gartner has made some predictions about the future of cybersecurity: by 2023, modern data privacy laws will cover the personal information of 75% of the world's population. In 2024, organisations that adopt a cybersecurity network architecture are expected to experience a reduction in the financial costs of security incidents by 90% on average. By the following year, 30% of organisations are projected to have cloud-based Secure Web Gateway (SWG), Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB), Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) and Firewall as a Service (FWaaS) from a single vendor. By 2025, 60% of organisations will utilise cybersecurity risk as a key factor in determining third-party transactions and business relationships. Additionally, the number of states implementing laws around ransomware payments, fines and negotiations will rise from less than 1% in 2021 to 30% by 2025. Finally, 40% of boards are expected to establish a dedicated cybersecurity committee, led by a qualified board member, by 2025. Meanwhile, 70% of CEOs are aiming to establish a culture of organisational resilience able to tackle threats ranging from cybercrime and severe weather to social incidents and political instability.

Importance of mentoring in this journey

The Gartner predictions impose many important responsibilities on organisations. By providing guidance and support throughout the digital transformation process, mentoring can help organisations take a secure approach to digital transformation and protect their digital assets and data. Mentoring activities on different platforms or in-house within institutions and independent organisations is vital for raising awareness about cybersecurity, and can support the development of that culture of organisational resilience which is so crucial for protecting against a host of threats.

Mentoring contributes to the cybersecurity process in digital transformation projects in the following ways:

  1. Raising awareness: Mentoring raises awareness of the importance of cybersecurity in digital transformation projects and educates stakeholders on protecting digital assets
  2. Providing guidance: Mentors provide guidance on cybersecurity best practices and help organisations take a proactive approach to security rather than reacting to threats
  3. Sharing experiences: Mentors can share their experience of implementing cybersecurity measures in similar projects and provide insight on common pitfalls and effective strategies
  4. Identifying and mitigating risks: Mentors can help organisations to identify and mitigate cybersecurity risks and help them implement tailored security measures

In conclusion, mentoring is a crucial step in ensuring the success and security of digital transformation. By sharing experiences, providing guidance, and raising awareness, mentoring can equip organisations with the knowledge and tools necessary to protect their digital assets and data, build a culture of organisational resilience, and embrace the future of cyber security with confidence.