Joint meeting with BCSWomen Scotland.
Dr Sara Shinton, Head of Researcher Development at The University of Edinburgh
18:00 - Refreshments and networking
18:30 - The event starts
20:00 - The event ends
Livestream link for people who can't attend
What makes for a good network? Why do some people seem to get all the luck? If the thought of networking makes your toes curl, in this talk will explore what makes an effective network and what you can do to help opportunities reach you. We will look at the barriers some of us experience when networking and those that we put up to avoid it. You’ll hopefully leave with some ideas on developing networking skills that suit you and can be sustained.
About the speaker
Dr Sara Shinton
I'm a researcher developer with a background in research, careers guidance and consultancy. Since January 2017, I’ve been Head of Researcher Development at The University of Edinburgh. Over the last ten years, in partnership with the Institute of Physics, I wrote a series of guides aimed at early career physicists on topics including resilience, funding, collaboration, career balance and researcher career paths.
I'm passionate about the opportunities that STEM careers create and founded the annual Science Festival 'Bang Goes the Borders' in 2011 (principally as a means of my children meeting very cool people). This connects school children in the Scottish Borders with exciting scientists and technologists (although more computer science workshops are needed and I will be prowling for offers.) I’m also on the Management Board of Borders College.
This event is brought to you by: BCS Edinburgh branch with BCSWomen Scotland