Back for a third year, BCS Insights 2021 brings you our most stellar line-up yet. Join key speakers including internet legend Vint Cerf, and eminent computer scientist Dame Wendy Hall, as we take a planet-wide view of tech: how it can help the climate emergency; how it hinders; the role of professionalism; what we should expect from the tech giants… and what we can do.

In the morning session we’ll aim to define what good looks like in IT for our profession and our planet, while the afternoon’s focus is on doing good and what that means for our people and our principles.

What should we expect from IT and its providers, and how do we pursue these goals as an industry, for the benefit of society? We’ll examine the role of the big tech companies, what good innovation really means, and how and when we should press reset as a profession.

Have your say on the answers to these questions and so much more

Understand how you and your business can make a difference as an enabler of positive tech

Connect and engage with influential industry figures in live online polls, discussion and Q&A

‘Take home’ our Insights 2021 report and be first to preview the Chartered Institute for IT’s latest research

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Join the debate and help steer technology-led change in our society.

Speakers include: