“Medical informatics can and should serve to strengthen the traditional values of family practice, and has a key role to play in improving the quality of primary healthcare provision.”

That’s the core belief of the Clinical Computing Special Interest Group (CLICSIG) of the BCS PHCSG - a group of GPs, practice nurses, practice managers, computer professionals and others involved in or with primary care, who meet several times a year, at their own expense, to discuss and research the application of IT to the care process.

CLICSIG meetings are only for PHCSG members, with the occasional invited guest, and are run under the Chatham House rule. The usual format is:

  • meet on Friday evening from 18:00 onwards
  • dine at about 20:00
  • get into the agenda proper on Saturday at 09:00, finishing at 16:00 in the afternoon

Saturday-only attendees are welcome. We also have a limited number of places to join the conversation virtually.

Any member can suggest ideas for a special interest meeting whether the topic is clinical or more widely health informatic related. Where possible the outcome of the meeting is published and will be accessible on this page.

Past CLICSIG meetings

May 2023

NHS Federated Data Platforms (PDF)

March 2022

The Impact of COVID-19 on Primary Care Health Informatics (PDF)

July 2020

Shared care records. A clinical safety approach to looking at the issues involved.

March 2019

Proposed scope for good practice guidelines for general practice electronic records (PDF)

May 2016

Managing the audit trail in shared clinical systems (PDF)

July 2014

Can Care.data be made compatible with patient confidentiality? (PDF)

March 2014

Analytics for Primary Health Care getting the best out of the data (PDF)

December 2013

The GP systems of the future (PDF)

March 2012

Patient record access - a response to the RCGP roadmap (PDF)